
Looking for qualified crew for your ship or project?


Looking for a job?


Is your company searching for qualified crew for your ship or project?


Are you looking for a maritime job?
We can help you with that!

Flexbox Crewing is an MLC-licensed manning agency for Seafarers worldwide. With our local presence in the European market and strong Asian partners, we can find candidates quickly and at a competitive rate.


In today’s world, a trusted marine manning agent seems more important than ever. There are hundreds of crewing agencies worldwide, employing nearly 2 million workers. However, your project has such specific requirements that only a handful will be truly qualified and available for the job. We use our experience, software and job board to filter out these candidates for our clients.

Our service doesn’t stop there. Our software ensures that the entire process, from onboarding to reviewing all documents and signing all contracts to salary payments, runs smoothly and in compliance with all MLC requirements.

We have two services for permanent maritime crew. We recruit the crew, and we contract the crew.

Outsource the recruitment of the talent your organization needs to us. We have developed a powerful job board – JobWave – where we will promote your company’s positions. You only pay us a success fee when you hire our proposed candidate. Afterward you can contract and pay the employee through your regular infrastructure.

Once you’ve found the right crew, we can handle the contracting. This entails handling all legal paperwork to organising the endorsements, transportation, crew changes and salary administration. We will be the main point of contact for the crew. We offer volume discounts for managing the complete crew of a ship/project.


We also source and contract professionals for maritime projects worldwide. Examples of such projects are; dredging projects, the construction of new ports, or building the growing offshore wind farms. Such projects often require maritime professionals with particular experience and higher education. Especially on these projects a wide variety of nationalities comes together, each requiring a unique onboarding process, which might involve getting endorsements or extra certificates. 

Our software and team can also ensure that the entire process, from onboarding to salary payments, runs smoothly and in compliance with all MLC requirements.